Friday, May 15, 2020

Random Thoughts on Hospital Playlist

I tried to stay away.

I told myself I wouldn't be watching Hospital Playlist until it gets completed because so far that's how I have enjoyed some of Shin Won Ho's dramas such as Reply 1997 and Prison Playbook, but after seeing several clips about the show, the temptations grew harder to resist day by day.

This is your fault, Jung Kyung Ho. You too, BFF Band.

So far I like the drama. I like the same heartwarming experience I used to get with PD's previous shows. I like the lessons and realizations that go along with it, and I like the relationship there is between the five doctor friends.

And I like Chae Song Hwa. A lot, lot, lot.

So yeah. Hospital Playlist is a pretty good watch. At times though, I feel it isn't as strong as how Prison Playbook came off strong for me. I can't pinpoint exactly what's off or missing, but nevertheless, the show's a pretty good watch.

I think I can smell withdrawal symptoms on my end as early as now, too. Screw you, Kyung Ho.

PS. Hospital Playlist has a lot of really good OSTs. Plus the fact that the BFF Band covers most of these songs as a form of their "hobby" was amazing. I like In Front of City Hall Subway Station and Aloha the most, but Joy's Introduce Me A Good Person has been stuck in my mind for quite some time now. I'm pretty sure I already heard it in a drama somewhere... I was suspecting Marriage Not Dating but I haven't had any luck at finding proof for that. I've already whacked my brain too, but I still can't remember where the fudge have I heard it. I even tried googling, but still haven't found answers. Where oh where...

Anyway, here's the MV for the second OST sung by Joy, in case you might have an idea where the song had been used for apart from Hospital Playlist. Thanky! 😊


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