Saturday, May 2, 2020

Memorist: Episode 16 (Finale Rants)

We're finally down to the last episode!

I appreciate how Memorist was able to neatly tie loose ends and at the same time throw in a few happy moments despite the overall tension that was built-up from the start of the show. However, the big reveal regarding the identity of The Eraser felt quite lackluster, despite of how fitting it was to the context of the story.

I mean, The Eraser we've known in earlier episodes was someone bold and ruthless. Plus, The Eraser loathed Dong Baek a whole lot too, which was why it felt kind of anti-climactic when The Eraser turned out to be Bang Joon Seok's secretary. I did have a hunch that The Eraser would be a family member of Dong Baek because that's the logical way to handle The Eraser having telepathic abilities, but I really didn't expect that the secretary would literally be his sister. 

Although the story came full circle after we got to know The Eraser more starting from who she was, what her motives were and what set her on a killing spree; and even if I was open to the possibility of The Eraser being a woman because of how vague the show had dealt about it, the reveal of Bang Joon Seok's secretary as the evil mastermind didn't give me a wow factor. I'm not entirely sure why, but I guess it has something to do about how late her character had been introduced and how weak she had been portrayed in the drama. Sure her weakness might have only been a mask to divert possible suspicions about her real identity, yet even if she was wearing The Eraser's outfit during the big reveal, it all still felt quite underwhelming.

It also didn't help how the show gave out so many red herrings about who The Eraser was during its earlier episodes. Although I knew that the firefighter was just another red dot to the puzzle because of how anti-climactic it just was to have him as The Eraser, there were plenty of other notable red herrings worthy to be identified as the ultimate baddie. My bet was initially on Lee Shin Woonghe had the perfect build, smug smirk, charisma, and carried on questionable decisions when he's supposed to be the Deputy Chief. Plus, he didn't like Dong Baek a whole lot, too. He also fits Han Sun Mi's initial description of the culprit as someone who's charismatic (or was that her description for The Executioner?), which was why I was so disappointed to find out that he was just plain evil and not telepathic. Lol. Maybe making him as The Eraser was a trope too cliche for the taste of writer-nim?

Despite this gripe, Memorist was indeed an intriguing watch that kept me on the edge of my seat and made me use my brain like crazy from start to finish. Well worth the time.


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