Sunday, May 3, 2020

Review: 365: Repeat the Year (2020)

Is fate pre-determined or can it be changed? Given the chance to alter your life by going back a year, does your future change along with it, or does it end up the same?

These are the questions that ten different people seek answers for as they undergo a chance to 'reset' their lives a year back in MBC's comeback drama for its Monday-Tuesday time slot, 365: Repeat the Year.

Image via MBC.

Smart and tightly written. This is how I'd like to sum up the ride that was 365: Repeat the Year. It's been quite long time since I have felt this engaged and intrigued (as well as impatient) in a drama, to the point that it'd make me watch a livestream of its episode even if I hardly understand a thing that is being said in it. Indeed, this show proved to be an intensely thrilling watch from Day 1 to 12, and will surely sit on the list of my most favorite dramas for a long, long, time.

❀ RAVES  »•»

1) Suspenseful, Carefully Thought of Plot. Truth be told, this drama's premise isn't something that's easy to handle. One mistake in the plot can make all of the show's efforts go down the drain in just a snap. That being said, I really appreciate how carefully thought of 365: Repeat the Year was. Despite the roller-coaster ride and the plot twists here and there, writer-nim had a clear plan as to where he wants the show to head. This makes the show's plot development amazingly orchestrated, and will leave you nothing but awed in the end.

2) Plot Twists and Brain. I love how smart 365: Repeat the Year posed itself to be. It's an intricately woven story that doesn't only intrigue its viewers, but at the same time tricks us into believing whatever it is that's being laid right before our very eyes. It drops shocking and unexpected plot twists each episode which makes us scream what?! all while hanging dumbfounded on a cliff. And yep, I meant that as a compliment. No matter the plot twists or how complex the story may seem, the show never felt rushed nor convoluted. Instead it felt carefully planned, where every little thing in the drama is actually connected to one another. It's as if you're laying puzzle pieces together, something that feels sort of satisfying as everything finally comes full circle in the end.

3) Pacing. Although the pacing was sort of fast in this drama, it isn't the type that rushes or crams everything in an hour without minding how confusing it would be for the viewers (except for the very few times it actually got confusing 😅). This is why I loved 365: Repeat the Year a lot. Never did it feel too slow in laying out the backstory nor the mechanics of the time travel. Rather than drag, what the show does is suck you right off the bat and draw you so dang deep you'll end up not just entirely curious but would make you want to watch more, more, more!

4) Subtle Romance. Romance does not take center stage anywhere in this drama. Given the thick plot and the resetters' dire need to stay alive until the end, romance would definitely be the last thing they'd even try to think about, yet it works. Even if it was very subtle, how the show has hinted at the possibility of romance between fanboy detective Hyeong Ju and witty webtoon writer Ga Hyeon just works. It provided a breather for intensely heavy situations we are being fed on, and I couldn't believe how a simple fist-bump would work wonders in making viewers swoon like crazy.

5) Female Lead.  At first I didn't like Shin Ga Hyeon. I thought she would just be another addition to K-Dramaland's vast list of damsels in distress, but was I glad to be proven wrong. Ga Hyeon was more than just a helpless webtoon writer, she was brave and smart and was extremely analytical. I love how curious she was and how she kept trying to figure out the rules as to why the resetters were dying one by one. I love how quick she thinks and acts, as well as how helpful she had been to Hyeong Ju all throughout the show. 

❀ RANTS  »•»

1) A Few Inconsistencies. Sometimes, there were a few instances where certain actions never got explained in the show, and that these actions, logically speaking, doesn't add up to what the show was trying to convey, such as this:

And this:

Also this:

❀ RULING  »•»

365: Repeat the Year may have its fair share of flaws, but nevertheless, these do not take away the awesomeness that the show was able to exude from start to finish. It remained suspenseful and intriguing until the end, bold and smart but never went too far ahead of itself. Truly one of the bests this year.

Edit 05/13/2020: So apparently, Maru was experiencing an "Akashic Record", as per this MBC clip which explains why Maru remembers Hyeong Ju even if they supposedly haven't met yet in the 7th timeline. According to, the Akashic Record is believed to be the repository of every thought, word and deed of every living being, good, bad and awful, in all times; past, present, future. So that's why Maru seemed close to Hyeong Ju... The dog was able to recall bits of memories in all of the timelines he has been in because of the Akashic Record. Wow. 😯

PS. Just thought about this... If Maru apparently experiences the Akashic Record, it's possible for Ga Hyeon to experience this too, right? Wow. That would make a pretty good material should a second season for 365: Repeat the Year be in the works. Make it happen MBC! Pretty please! 🙏


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