Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last Cinderella: Episode 10

The ship is sinking, the ship is sinking... Call the captain really quick!

Dang Hiroto. Why let go? Why? That isn't noble idiocy. That's loser idiocy... And that, Hiroto, sucks. Big time.


Rintaro's ship have already sunk since episode 7... Or so I think... Or so I would like to think. I may have started Team Rintaro but the dim man (for me) had blown away his chance long loooong ago. Passive nitwit. So Hiroto, don't you dare say that Sakura is better off with someone else. You can't lie to yourself. See?

Such gut wrenching tears...

"I said leave but all I really want is you~♪♫"

As for Rintaro, I waaaant to believe he's the fairy god mother (or father. whatever) and that the real cinderella here isn't really Sakura. It's Hiroto. Hiroto!!! (Writers, if you play it this way, hats off to you. Really clever.) He probably needs just a little wind of courage to prevent his ship from sinking... A little wind of courage to stay at the other side of the door... And Shima's already working with one.

So fairy god mother, get those wands working too. RIGHT. ABOUT. NOW.

Image via Pinterest.

PS. I stumbled upon this poll by FujiTV over who the end-game partner is better. εΊƒζ–— (Hiroto) or 凛ε€ͺιƒŽ (Rintaro)? May already be too late, but for fun, votes go here.

Team Hiroto all the way! ;))


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