Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vagabond: Episode 16 (Finale Rants)

This show had everything—action, a little bit of romance, comedy, politics, immortality, and yeah, nonsense.

Like, that's it, show? You've held up 16 hours of my time only to end up like this?! Oh, wait. You actually didn't have an ending. Bummer.

Though Vagabond was quite a mess and felt like it went literally everywhere, I wouldn't say I haven't enjoyed it because I did, especially since it was action packed and that the action scenes were very well orchestrated. These were stuff that I loved.

However, a show with a good action but had incomplete and not fully realized story leaves me as nothing but nonsense, because seriously, Vagabond's last episode was not only vague—it didn't really resolve anything. It was as if we're back at square one especially with that ending scene, and that Episodes 1 to 16 were all but a dog chasing its tail. It didn't help that the show just left its viewers hanging like that, without even any solid assurance of being renewed for a second season.

Plus, I don't think I ever liked Suzy in this show. I don't hate her, I actually think she was quite good in While You Were Sleeping. However, for roles such as Go Hae-ri's, I think she's still somewhat raw for the picking. I don't know. I feel like there's something missing. I can't exactly pinpoint what, but there's something that just feels a little bit off.

And yep, even if I loved Lee Seunggi for impressing me with his acting, and even if I loved how well orchestrated the action scenes were, I just couldn't help but scratch my head for Cha Dalgeon. I mean, how ridiculous can he get? One, he's only a stuntman, not some well-trained NIS agent. Two, he's definitely not a cat who has nine lives, so why doesn't he seem the least bit concerned about getting dead?

Goodness, Vagabond.

Going back to the topic, I do hope this type of ending doesn't become a trend sooner or later. I think there's nothing wrong if the producers would gun for a show with a second or even a third season, provided that they're planned well ahead. Secure the follow-up season first, and at the same time, let the people know. Set expectations properly. I watch K-Dramas to relax, get entertained, and maybe think a little bit... not whack my brain while trying to make sense of everything I've seen. Also, I watch K-Dramas because it has the most well-written and wrapped-up stories among other shows I know or have seen. That being said, here's to hoping for dramas with a better ending than just this going forward.


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